!gd!Geek'd Con 2021 Review
This week on Comm Talk by Geek Devotions; we do a review of Geek'd Con 2021, talk with Branson of B's Views and Reviews, Kevin of The Dapper Man
This week on Comm Talk by Geek Devotions; we do a review of Geek'd Con 2021, talk with Branson of B's Views and Reviews, Kevin of The Dapper Man
The RRP crew journeys to an age undreamed of, but does Conan the Barbarian still bear the crown jewel of Classic, or is watching it just a turn on the wheel of pain.
Jacob and Drew take a trip to the lost city of Atlantis to review,... well... Atlantis The Lost Empire! Is this movie a lost treasure waiting to be found, or should it remain
Jacob and Drew go back to prehistoric times, or some facsimile there of, to review the Dreamworks film The Croods! Will They Make it too Tomorrow?
Jacob and Drew React to a recent to a recent Taco Bell Commercial of all things... Fry Force!
Jacob and Drew review the 2nd ever Walt Disney Animation Studios film Pinocchio! Originally Posted at https://thecelcast.podbean.com/e/pinocchio-there-are-no-strings-on-me/