Best of February 2025
It's February and the folks at Culture Box are ready to share their
There is a lot of animation talk in this Culture Box, you might even call it Ani-May-tion month. You made it through that bad joke, now enjoy some awesome podcasts and video!
Podcast Jump Links:
The Cel Cast | Comm Talk | Retro Rewind Podcast
Video Jump Links:
Geek Devotions
Jacob and Drew Review the Critically Acclaimed Anime Film Belle! Also They Review the Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure Season 2 Episodes Vigor The Visionary and Keeper of the Spire!
This week on Comm Talk we have a special episode of B's Views and Reviews where Branson sits down with the creators of Christian Comic, Chronicles of Faith. What is the Chronicles of Faith? Experience the ancient Biblical story of David through new eyes and in a way you've never before imagined. In this stunning, full-color, 24 page comic, a brand new series begins that will bring its readers to grips with the character of God, encourage them to examine their faith, and inspire them to write their own Chronicles of Faith!
We face off against Pharaoh with plagues of likes and dislikes to let you know whether or not The Prince of Egypt is worth your time today.
Inspired by his recent appearance on The Cel Cast Podcast, Dallas takes a look at Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Dark Side of Dimensions to talk about what someone who's truly a friend closer than a brother.