Best of March 2022

With The Batman (2022) being released, many of us decided to talk about the Dark Knight in one way or another for this months box of shows.

Podcast Jump Links:
The Cel Cast | Comm Talk | Retro Rewind Podcast

Video Jump Links:
Geek Devotions


šŸŽØ The Cel Cast

Jacob and Drew review Batman Mr. Freeze Subzero!

šŸ¤“ Comm Talk by Geek Devotions

Matt Reeves' vision of The Batman is officially out but the main question is this... Is it worth watching? Check out Dallas' thoughts.

šŸ“ŗ Retro Rewind Podcast

Several of the Culture Box gents join us for our bat-tastic review of 1966's Batman iteration!


šŸ¤“ Geek Devotions

This week on Geek Devotions, Dallas takes a look at 2022's The Batman. In this noir detective film, we hear Batman monologue about how the city really is to big for him to help everyone, so he has to be smart as to where he goes. In the world there's a lot of people who need help and we need to be willing to go out and help them. But with so many people in need, who do we choose to help? What about those we can't? Join us today as Dallas talks about this subject and brings us some ideas on who to walk through it.