Best of August 2023

In the month of August, Culture Box reflects on past and present media and the lessons we can still learn.

Podcast Jump Links: ‌
The Cel Cast | Comm Talk | Playing Games With Strangers | Retro Rewind Podcast

Video Jump Links:‌
Geek Devotions | The Rushmore Show


🎨 The Cel Cast

Jacob and Drew review Toy Story 2 and the X-Men the Animated Series episodes Proteus Parts 1 and 2.

🤓 Comm Talk by Geek Devotions

Today on Comm Talk by Geek Devotions, Dallas and Celeste sit down to discuss the new Disney+ Stars Wars series, Ahsoka.... Have these first two episodes lived up to the hype? Is it a series worth watching? Come check out our thoughts!

🎲 Playing Games With Strangers

After the kurfuffle at Lenny’s and the revelation that Aelin’s parents are, in fact, alive, the party decides to search out another familiar face to suss out more information about Kerrek. Meanwhile, Emrine and Meira form a most reluctant partnership.

📺 Retro Rewind Podcast

In an attempt to analyze better time travel dynamics we review the fourth entry in the original Star Trek movie series.


🤓 Geek Devotions

In 2023, Nickelodeon released Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem. In this TMNT film geared towards a modern generation we see two groups of individuals who are simply trying to make it. One group, however, suffers from not being taught a better way. What can we learn from this? Why is it important for adults to be active in teaching the next generation a better way? Join us to find out!

🗻 The Rushmore Show

Gear up for another sentimental journey with Kirk and Andy as we explore the Top 4 nostalgic elements from our formative years! This week on "The Rushmore Show," we’re turning the pages back to cherished memories, highlighting the toys, games, foods, and places that warmed our hearts and shaped our childhoods. If there was a time capsule in 1990 what would you have put in it. When you see this thing, you immediately remember being a kid.